Powerful Matching Options

Use the Quick Search to find other members that are looking for someone just like you. Our algorithm automatically shows profiles near you based on your zip code and/or IP address and filtering based on your preferences like age range.

Full Featured Persian Chat

Full featured chat allows you to have real-time chat with other members. When you send a message to someone if that person is online he/she will see your message immediately and can respond to you if interested. If that person is not online your message will remain in his/her inbox and he/she will receive an email notification (and a mobile notification if mobile app user) that there is a new message from you.


Use the like button to show you are interested in someone.


Wink is an alternative to the like button and the traditional way of showing you are interested in someone and will be deprecated in our future releases.


Flirt is another alternative to the like button and a traditional way of showing you are interested in someone and will be deprecated in our future releases.

Blocked/Banned People

Tired of being bothered by the same people over and over? Put them on your banned list and they won't be able to contact you anymore.


If you notice an issue with a member profile whether it is a bad profile photo or scammer please report it to us.